Friday, February 02, 2007

The Bolivian Jacbelin

During our recent visit to Bolivia a special treat was meeting Jacbelin (seen here with Georgia & Jack) for the first time since we had the honor of dedicating her fourteen years ago! She is the ‘miracle child,’ according to her father Daniel Vaca. The Vacas had been a barren couple when Dani’s wife attended one of our home miracle meetings. Daniel was not there, but for the first time his wife attended. I had no idea who she was, but as I prayed for her the Spirit strongly impressed on my heart to tell her she was about to become pregnant!

Now, even for me that is a heavy message to pass along. After all, I had no idea who she was, or even if she was married. Likewise, I know how emotional bareness can be on a couple. Nevertheless, the impulse was so strong that I could not help but share it with her- to her absolute joy and delight. Sure enough, nine months later she conceived a daughter, and called her Jabelin!